So long, and thanks for all the tricks.

January 6, 2013

Sector Y has been a large part of the yoyoing community for several years. Originally starting on October 15, 1999, Sector Y has been one of the premiere websites for learning and discovering new tricks and videos. 1999 was a different time, however: there was no YouTube, no clip videos, and the number of yoyoers sharing tricks on the internet was less than twenty.

Since then, the yoyoing community has grown exponentially and the industry has changed rapidly. With high-speed internet now ubiquitous in our community, social media sites, video-sharing sites, and news-aggregator sites have become much more effective and appropriate destinations for yoyoers wishing to stay current. With that said, the Sector Y website, in it’s current form, is no longer needed.

Sector Y will be moving in a more personal direction. I will be discontinuing the video blog, and leaving that work to news-aggregator sites and social media sites. The only new content that Sector Y will post will be my own. I will continue to make videos, although on a less frequent basis, and I have plans for a few articles that will be helpful to many. My expectation is that I will have new content about once every month or two. All of that content will appear on this page, as well as other sites. Sector Y will thus change into a current archive of my own personal content.

Despite Sector Y’s change, there will still be many places to get the content I will continue to provide. Please follow the following channels:

I will be posting all updates and future videos to my personal (1) Facebook page and (2) Twitter feed. Be sure to follow. All clip videos will be posted to my personal (3) YouTube account. All individual trick videos and tutorials will be posted to the (4) official Sector Y channel. Downloadable and better quality options will be available at my (5) Vimeo page. For all websites, I will be using the hashtag #sectory so that future content will be easy to find. Furthermore, this website will, in the appropriate section, archive anything I do. So if you can’t remember where a piece of my content was posted, you can always come back here for the proper links.

I wish to thank everyone that has made Sector Y possible. Many National and World champions have approached me and expressed their gratitude for myself and Sector Y, and it has driven me to continue yoyoing and filming. Without those words of appreciation, I would have called it quits a long time ago. I would also like to thank all the “staff” here at the site, who helped post their videos. And lastly, I would like to thank all the contributors who helped me find their videos amongst the vast sea of content the internet now has. Without you all, I would be totally lost. Sector Y represents our community, and without the support of this community this site would not even exist.

Before I leave, I want to draw attention to the update menu bar at the top of the page. I have eliminated a few sections that will not stand the test of time, and added two new archival sections entitled History and Video Archive. The History section is a quick glimpse of all past and present Sector Y designs. This is mainly for posterity, lest we forget the origins of this website. And the Video Archive is a comprehensive and reverse-chronological list of all videos I have produced since the very beginning of Sector Y. They are available in both streaming and downloadable formats.

Thanks for everything, everyone! Here’s to the future!


gabe from Sector Y

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