
October 2, 2004


It’s a yoyo video played in reverse. A simple concept, but it was a harder task than expected. A lot of yoyoing just doesn’t look as cool backwards. Dropped strings just look plain weird, and tricks that transition fluidly don’t look all that different.

Overall the video was solid. Some stuff looks cool, others not. I used this video to dump a lot of footage that was otherwise sub-par. A lot of footage just wasn’t up to my typical standards when played forward, but backwards was interesting enough to make this video.

This video contains explicit lyrics.

Title: Rewind [ Download | Stream ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Rewind by Nas
Time: 2:13
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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October 2, 2004

1999I started yoyoing during the 1998 yoyo boom. Most of 1998 was spent learning tricks from Ken’s World on a String, and I even got to visit US Nationals that year. But even though my roots were based in 1998, 1999 was the year when things really started to take off.

I became a regular at the Spindox meetings in 1999. I spent most of my time learning new tricks from Paul Escolar, Gary Longoria, and David Capurro. In essence, this was the beginning of what would become a major advancement in string tricks. Posting videos on the web helped continue yoyoing popularity, and Sector Y was eventually born on October 15, 1999. This video is a look back at the scene that helped create the original Sector Y.

Title: 1999 [ Stream | Download ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Change the World [Instrumental] by Bone thugs-n-harmony
Time: 3:16
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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October 2, 2004


Velocity was a fun video to make. I had a lot of footage that just didn’t fit into other videos for one reason or another. Most of it was either old stuff or simple stuff. I decided to see if I could cram it all into one video and this was the result.

Most of the Parental Advisory section of the String Theory DVD (where this video originally debuted) was full of old footage. And while this may be a “rehash video,” there’s still some unseen footage in here. I always fought with the idea of how to present footage that had already been seen, so the Parental Advisory section was just an experiment on what I could possibly do to make dated footage seem less boring. I wasn’t sure if these videos would ever see the light of day, but I released it because nobody would gain anything if I had just kept the footage to myself.

Ever since this video was made (I believe sometime in 2001), yoyoing has sped up quite a bit. As freestyles have become about racking up as many points as possible, speed has been the focus of many yoyoers over the past few years. As a result, most of this stuff doesn’t look as fast as it used to. Time has taken a toll on this video but I hope some of it can still be appreciated.

This video has explicit lyrics.

Title: Velocity [ Stream | Download ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Velocity by Extended F@mm (featuring Tonedeff)
Time: 3:52
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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Professional Elegance

October 2, 2004


This video was inspired by one of GReg’s clip videos. In 2000 or 2001, GReg had released a clip video that was very basic and rudimentary compared to other videos of that era. Despite not having the newest tricks, it was full of charm. I like to think of it as similar to a child’s kindergarten drawing: it’s never really a fantastic work of art, but you still put it on your fridge.

This video was my attempt to do the same thing. It contained a lot of footage from 2000 – 2001 that had already been released, but also a few clips from other people who had sent in their footage.

This video has explicit lyrics.

Title: Professional Elegance [ Stream | Download ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Doo Rags by Nas
Time: 3:56
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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Final Credits to String Theory DVD

October 2, 2004

final_creditsWell, here we are! This is the first post of many (hopefully!). The original Sector Y (now the Sector Y Archive) was a huge success. I’d like to thank all those who visited. Over the next few posts I will be posting my String Theory DVD. This first post is the credits of the DVD, as a thanks to all of those who made it possible.

Title: Final Credits to String Theory DVD
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Music: Family Ties by CunninLynguists (Produced by Kno)
Time: 3:01
Resolution: 640×480 (SD)
File Type: Quicktime H.264

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