Visual High – Chris Fraser

May 19, 2010

Chris Fraser is quickly growing to be a well recognized player, but he hasn’t gotten nearly the amount of coverage he deserves. To contribute, I called chris up the night before the Indiana State contest, grabbed some dinner, and filmed a video. Chris is also a recent addition to the Yoyofactory Team, and demonstrates his tricks in this video using his favorite 888 and his new throw, the Genesis.
This video was filmed on a Canon HV40, edited in Final Cut Pro w/ Livetype, and color corrected in Final Cut Pro. Music is by Ratatat.

Title: Visual High
Filming & Editing: Aron Bendet
Yoyoer: Chris Fraser
Music: Drugs by Ratatat
Length: 2:11
Stream: Vimeo
Download: Coming Soon

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Split Decision PT 2

April 19, 2010


The second in the Split Decision series, featuring the split decision by Werrd.  For this video, Eric and I aimlessly wandered around the city of Chicago.  We ended up filming in locations such as the water tower, seers tower, lake michigan, and underneath a highway.  We had a lot of fun, and were able to capture some pretty neat tricks :).  Enjoy!

Players: Aron Bendet and Eric Tranton
Filming: Aron Bendet and Eric Tranton
Editing: Aron Bendet
Song: Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder version) – Sufjan Stevens
Download: HD
Stream: Vimeo
Length: 3:09

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January 13, 2010
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A self produced film of Aron Bendet showcasing the Basselope and Wooly Marmot.
Filmed on an HV40 and edited in Final Cut Pro w/ Livetype.

Title: Bassawhat?
Creator: Aron Bendet
Music: Holiday – Vampire Weekend, Paradise Circus – Massive Attack
Time: 2:34
Download: Bassawhat?
Stream: Vimeo
File Type: Mov

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3A-Eric Tranton

January 2, 2010
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Eric Tranton demonstrating extremely technical 3A, and a little bit of 1A.

Title: 3A
Yoyoers: Eric Tranton
Editing: Eric Tranton
Music: Adventure – Capsule
Length: 4:25
Download: 3A
Stream: Vimeo

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Comes and Goes

December 30, 2009
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Eric Tranton using a Beef and Superstar.
Filming done on an HV40 and edited on Final Cut Pro & LiveType.
Filmed on Christmas Day (which also happens to be Eric’s birthday).
Also, it was raining and was freezing when we filmed. Just something for you all to consider. :)

Title: Comes and Goes
Yoyoers: Eric Tranton
Editing: Aron Bendet
Music: Lisztomania – Phoenix
Length: 2:34
Download: Comes and Goes
Stream: Vimeo

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Going Rogue

December 29, 2009


Video of Ray Godefroid using Werrd yoyos Rozzor 2 and Pacquiao.  Filmed and edited by Aron Bendet.

Title: Going Rogue
Yoyoers: Ray Godefroid
Editing: Aron Bendet
Music: Animal (Punk Jump Up Remix) – Miike Snow
Length: 2:50
Download: Going Rogue
Stream: Vimeo

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Split Decision

December 29, 2009


video featuring Ray Godefroid using the Split Decision yoyo by Werrd.
All filming & editing done by Aron Bendet using a Vixia HV40 and Final Cut Pro.
Music is Royksopp – Happy Up Here

No color editing was used, I felt like the natural colors added more to the video than they would have if I corrected them.

Title: Split Decision
Yoyoers: Ray Godefroid
Editing: Aron Bendet
Music: Happy Up Here – Royksopp
Length: 2:44
Download: Split Decision
Stream: Vimeo

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