EXCLUSIVE Yuuki Spencer 2010 Tricks

May 27, 2010


A sneak peek of Yuuki’s new tricks for BAC this weekend. Filmed at the factory by Miggy.

Filming & Editing: Miguel Correa
Yo-Yos Used: Genesis
Length: 0:40
Download: Yuuki2010
Stream: Youtube

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Visual High – Chris Fraser

May 19, 2010

Chris Fraser is quickly growing to be a well recognized player, but he hasn’t gotten nearly the amount of coverage he deserves. To contribute, I called chris up the night before the Indiana State contest, grabbed some dinner, and filmed a video. Chris is also a recent addition to the Yoyofactory Team, and demonstrates his tricks in this video using his favorite 888 and his new throw, the Genesis.
This video was filmed on a Canon HV40, edited in Final Cut Pro w/ Livetype, and color corrected in Final Cut Pro. Music is by Ratatat.

Title: Visual High
Filming & Editing: Aron Bendet
Yoyoer: Chris Fraser
Music: Drugs by Ratatat
Length: 2:11
Stream: Vimeo
Download: Coming Soon

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Yoyofactory Genesis – The Start

May 4, 2010


Miggy and Tyler taking off the counterweights for a minute and trying out some 1A tricks. *Music contains explicit lyrics, consider yourself warned*

Title: Yoyofactory Genesis – The Start
Creator: Miguel Correa
Music: What is Does the Pope Wear a Funny Hat by Army of Ponch
Length: 1:54
Stream: Youtube

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May 2, 2010


Quick clip of tricks in one throw. Trying to limit throws. Less is more.

Title: Ann_OneThrow
Yo-Yo Used: Genesis
Length: 00:57
Download: HERE

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April 4, 2010


Title: Vintage
Creator: Joe Wilson
Length: 2:13
Stream: vimeo

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Arm Cancel 5a Tutorial

February 22, 2010


Arm Cancel tutorial video, enjoy!

Title: Arm Cancel Tutorial
Creator: Miguel Correa
Time: 1:22
Stream: Youtube

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The Definitive

February 21, 2010


A little late posting this here, sorry about that. I took my interests in yoyos, polaroids, and video, and created this.

Title: The Definitive
Creator: Miguel Correa
Music: Futurism vs. Passéism by Blonde Redhead
Time: 1:35
Product: YoyoFactory Genesis
Stream: Youtube

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Tutorial – 1.5 Mount to Green Triangle (5A)

January 21, 2010


This is my latest 5A tutorial. Check out my youtube channel for my previous tutorials and videos. Enjoy!

Title: 1.5 to Green Triangle Tutorial
Miguel Correa
: 1:18

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1A Regen Combo

January 6, 2010

Here’s me doing a 1A regen combo.  Filmed on a DVX100A and using a YYF Genesis.

Title: Yoyo Combo
Miguel Correa
: 0:33

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December 22, 2009


Shot by Fred Rowland at a mall in Northern Virginia. This video was made to showcase our love for these yo-yos. 2009.

Title: YYF_Joe&Ann
Yoyoers: Joe Wilson and Ann Connolly
Editing: Ann Connolly
Music: What You Know Little Girl by T.I./Death From Above 1979
Length: 2:43
Download: YYF_Joe&Ann
Stream: Vimeo

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