János Karancz – Brainstorm – YouTube

September 15, 2012

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IV. Sopron International Yo-Yo Contest 2012 1A Pro 1st Place: Karancz János – YouTube

July 19, 2012

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Snow White – Duncan Crew Hungary

May 29, 2012

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Janos Karancz – New Concepts

April 2, 2012


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János Karancz – few tricks

February 4, 2012


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Karancz János – Hungarian Duncan Crew

December 15, 2011

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EYYC 2010 Freestyles

February 9, 2010

Here are some of the top freestyles from the EYYC 2010. Congratulations to all winners! These freestyles have been aggregated from two sources: Hellsing135‘s Youtube Channel, as well as CzechYoyo‘s Vimeo account. (more…)

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