Sensory Overload

February 19, 2011

This was my final video before Sector Y (and myself) took a long hiatus. This was my “final epic video” that I always wanted to do, but couldn’t get myself dedicated enough to do for all my other videos.

This was my first, and maybe one of the first(?), videos that was fully created in After Effects. The original clip video (Spindox 2-05-00) was originally created as a test for my new Dazzle “video capture card.” It was essentially a bunch of footage, one-after-another, with a JPG image as the title. As I began to create more videos, I stuck with the JPG title screens. It was the only part of the videos that never really evolved. Towards the end of 2001, the titles started to have simple animations, like rotating logos, etc. But nothing was completely animated.When it came to PSY, however, I tried to do fully animated title sequences for most of the videos.

By the end of the PSY Project, I had gotten decent enough doing just title sequences, and wanted to see what I could do with animating actual video footage. I had the idea for this video for a long time, and so I got to work in what would end up being the most painstaking and labor intensive video I had ever made.

The idea behind the video was simple: have a grid of videos, and animate a camera to fly between various clips. The problem was my hardware. At the time I had an 866MHz Powerbook G4 with 512MB of RAM. And that did not play well with After Effects and the 100 clips I wanted to animate simultaneously in the movie.

Despite this, I pushed through and after maybe a month I finally was able to create the video that I wanted. The final render took about 75 to 100 hours to output. But it was totally worth it…despite the fact that only about 250 people saw the video. By the time this video was done, it was solely for the PSY DVD and was never placed online until now. Well, actually last year. I just forgot to update my site with it when Sector Y launched. Oops!

Video: Sensory Overload [ Vimeo | Download (720×480) ]
Music: War by Cunninlynguists (Produced by Kno)

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February 19, 2011

This video was one of the videos from thte PSY DVD. It was composed of mostly old footage, but a good amount of new footage as well. (This footage is mainly from the 2000 and 2001 era.) I’m not sure why the song choice is the same as another video I did. I do remember it being intentional, but I can no longer remember the reasoning behind it. Lots of footage was collected from 2000 Nationals, with others being sent in as part of the “PSY” project.

Video: Survival [ Vimeo | Download (720×480 MP4) ]
Music: Crazy by Seal
Duration: 4:09

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2000 Revolutions

December 7, 2009

The year 2000 was one of yoyoing’s strongest years. 1998 and 1999 created the craze, and in 2000 the bar was raised. Everyone brought their A-game. Everyone who started with the boom now had over 2 years of practice, and string tricks continued to push forward. This video is a look back at the innovation that exploded around the turn of the century.

Title: 2000 Revolutions [ Download | Stream ]
Creator: Gabriel Lozano
Date: Created 2004, footage from 2000.
Music: Days of our Livez by Bone thugs-n-harmony
File Type: Mpeg-4

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